速報APP / 工具 / Leaf Spy

Leaf Spy





版本需求:Android 2.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:7194 Silver Lode Lane San Jose,CA 95120

Leaf Spy(圖1)-速報App

Note: LeafSpy is designed for the 2011 thru 2017 Nissan Leaf. For the 2018 Leaf you will need LeafSpy Pro which supports all model years.

Before you purchase "Leaf Spy" or the more advanced "Leaf Spy Pro" please be sure to first install the Free version "Leaf Spy Lite" to confirm you have a phone (or android device) and ELM327 OBDII Bluetooth adapter that works with your Leaf.

Once you have the Lite version running and telling you about your battery you can then purchase either the full version "Leaf Spy" or the more advanced version "Leaf Spy Pro".

The Leaf Spy application allows anyone with a Nissan Leaf electric vehicle, Android device with Bluetooth and an ELM327 OBDII Bluetooth adapter the ability to monitor their battery and other vehicle information normally visible only to the dealer.

Due to a recent cost reduction (and feature reduction) many of the cheap ELM327 OBDII Bluetooth adapters from Asia no longer work with the Leaf and report themselves to be version 2.1. The only one currently recommended is the Bluetooth Konnwei KW902 which still supports all the needed ELM commands to communicate with the Leaf.

Leaf Spy(圖2)-速報App

User generated guide: http://www.mynissanleaf.com/wiki/index.php?title=Leaf_Battery_Application

Information displayed by Leaf Spy Lite & Leaf Spy:

* Voltage of each of the 96 cell pairs (highlighted if shunt active)

* Minimum, average, maximum cell pair voltages

* Histogram of cell pair voltages

Leaf Spy(圖3)-速報App

* Battery Temperature readings (4 sensors for 2011/12 models, 3 for 2013 models)

* Battery AHr rating (this will decease with age and is an indication of remaining capacity)


* Odometer

* Number of Quick Charge connections

Leaf Spy(圖4)-速報App

* Number of L1/L2 Charge connections

* EVSE Max available amps

* EVSE voltage

Additional information displayed by Leaf Spy:

* Battery energy level in GIDs & kWh

Leaf Spy(圖5)-速報App

* Resetable energy usage meter (Wh resolution)

* Graphic display of SOC, GIDs and DTE (Distance to Empty)

* Remaining distance meter (miles/km) to Event (Low Battery Warning, Very Low Battery Warning or Reserve) based on user selectable energy efficiency

* Graphic display of battery temperature with min, avg, max temperatures

* Tire Pressure of each of the four tires with low pressure warning and delta pressure warning alarm (at the moment only for 2011-2017 Leafs)

Leaf Spy(圖6)-速報App

* Ambient Temperature

* Logging function that records most data and optionally GPS location to a csv file that can be easily imported into excel.

You may want to purchase the "Pro" version which adds the ability to perform functions normally requiring a visit to the dealer.

* Change automatic door lock/unlock settings

* Read Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)

Leaf Spy(圖7)-速報App

* Register Tire Positions (required after tire rotation or seasonal tire changes so your Leaf knows the correct location of each tire on the car, at the moment only for 2011-2017 Leafs)

* Future ability to reset selected DTCs

Leaf Spy(圖8)-速報App